be your own damn hero | A Channeled Message from The Collective Guides of Source
This channeled message has been infused with healing energy. It comes in the form of violet-light purple light tending slightly more toward pink than blue. All who read this message receive the loving, warm, kind healing energy.
“We want to write.
We want you, Cathy, to write of what you love.
We will do this through the form of channeling so that what you speak of is pure of heart and not egoic mind. For you, too, are human and of course you experience ego.
There is nothing wrong with this.
What I love most is learning.
New scientific facts, random trivia, how the Millennium Falcon Ride works - that one blew my mind!.
That particles can be in two places at once - which also blows my mind because I get it but don’t get it.
I love how much knowledge I’ve acquired from the thousands of books and articles I’ve read, from the courses and classes I’ve taken, from life it very self.
I love that you, my Guides, have told me I did this faster and more rapidly than ever expected.
A true hero runs toward the line of fire.
I love that I have been the hero of my own healing, learning, and ultimately JOY.
I have always chosen to run toward the fire, the burning building of my soul and learned to quench the flames.
What I love even more is that it has never - not once - been for naught.
That all the tears of shame, humility, and discomfort that ALWAYS spring up as I crack my heart open again and again serve a purpose much larger than mine.
For what I have truly learned is that my life experience is not my own.
My life experience has been that of the gatherer. I’ve gathered a treasure trove of wealth that I pass along to others. That those who seek it and are willing to be the hero of their own life and soul journey, willing to run toward their own fire, that I can, will, and LOVE guiding them through.
I love that what I’ve been through helps those who are in need now. And it bolsters my courage to yet again run toward my own fires and that I now truly feel JOY each time I do because I know. I know that it adds to my value as a human and a healer.
I am the Joy Healer.
From us, the Collective Guides of Source, to those who read these words:
Your rise up moment is coming.
It calls to you now.
Soon you will be asked to run toward the burning fire in your soul and heal the unworthy parts of you into Truth - that JOY is your birthright.
Stay tuned, Dear Ones, the call is coming.
Be the hero of your own life.
Run towards the healing.
We WILL uplift and guide you.
Trust that more, that all you need will be provided if you stand up and say, “YES. I’m ready to heal my soul and embrace my birthright. “ F*** those who don’t believe or understand for that is what Cathy has done and look at her soar. This is what we want for you.
Stay tuned, Dear One, we will return. We never leave nor let you down.
This message is complete.
We love you. Amen.”