an introduction | A Channeled Message from The Collective Guides of Source

Let us introduce ourselves.

We are The Collective Guides of Source.

We have been speaking to you for some time through Cathy, and others on occasion, for she is not the only channel but a powerful one whom we advise you listen to.

We reveal ourselves now through her. It is a matter of Divine timing. We have slowed some aspects down in your perception for there are forces and realities at play unknown to you and that you will not understand. Trust in this perfection.

Our role is to be a bridge or go-between between Source and the human aspect of those we speak to. There are others that speak to your soul side and even more who communicate and act in ways we do not reveal.

Our numbers vary according to the intensity of desire of both the asker, the answer, or the direct message Source has for you.

Source has many names, just as you too, most likely, answer to many names. Your relationship to Source dictates the name - it is of no consequence.

Source want you to know this [NOW]

You are loved very much.

You are me and I am you.

Yet there are so many elements of me that your human side gets lost in understanding.

Growth of the Universe through pleasure [or pain] is my desire.

I impart you with desire for our mutual growth.

Each time you engage fully in your desires you serve me and our expansion.

Pain comes at times too. More often as a result of your disconnection from this simple truth. I am pure positive Love. Thusly, you are pure positive Love.

Wipe your slate clean and begin again. In order to feel the connection you are seeking, you must allow yourself the space, time, and energy to FEEL things.

Cathy will teach you how.

We return as The Collective Guides of Source. We have carried this message for eons beyond the veil of understanding.

Even now as it is revealed there is increased harmony, increased desire, and increased knowing that this is the way forward into the human life you’re seeking and that you came to fulfill - through FEELING.

There is much to learn and yet it will be simple.

We repeat Cathy will teach you how.

Honor her, for this has been justly and presently revealed to her as it is to you. It takes great courage and freedom to become a Divine Source teacher met via Guides.

If you so desire to become one, too, the spark will alight within you and you will be shown the way. We guarantee you this aspect - Feeling is required. Learn this first and now.

Joy is not only our wish but our command for you.

The Joy Healer has risen - or as she is preferring us to say - The Joy Healer has been presented for your service.

Engage her healing for as you do you engage us and have a direct go-between to Source who will lovingly guide, should YOU have the courage and be willing to exercise your freedom to your perfect life path.

There will be MUCH pleasure - and also some occasional pain - for this is the human way.

As The Collective Guides of Source we can only advise and deliver. You must engage. You are fully capable of enacting EVERYTHING we ask of you in the name of Source.

We are here now.

We patiently await your arrival to our presence through this amazing human helper.

It has begun.


(What has begun?)


We guide you now.

On wings of angels this message is delivered and complete.

More will come forth to those who seek and their numbers are many.

You are well prepared.

Everything is love.

This message is complete.

So Be It. It is delivered.


Note: items in parenthesis indicate what I was hearing or my interjected thoughts. Brackets are included as part of the expression of the message from Source.

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