How to Overcome Chaos Addiction
Chaos is defined as
“complete disorder and confusion; behavior so unpredictable as to appear random”
Let that sink in.
Behavior, unpredictable, appear(s) random .
Whether your behavior or other people's behavior is unpredictable, it has the appearance of random. If you're someone who's addicted to chaos you can look at certain patterns in your life or in the people around you to where it isn't random at all.
It becomes very predictable in an “oh so-and-so (or I) did that again” Like, “crap I'm sick again” or “oh crap I have to work late again because I can't get my work done during my work hours” or “darn I have to miss my workout because I'm too tired because I didn't go to bed on time because so-and-so and I were arguing again”.
This is an illusion that life is random, disorderly, chaotic and it appears to be unpredictable.
Yet after a while you know.
You are unsurprised and resigned to the repeating patterns and chaos. You may even sparked by it.
Because you know these things, these behaviors are coming from yourself or somewhere else.
You're sparked by it's like the only thing that gets you excited or not quite excited but engaged in life.
Chaos addiction is the only way for you to feel and know that you're alive.
“I got another speeding ticket”
“I got into another argument with that same person”
“I had another accident” Car accident, physical accidents, or breaking thing type accidents.
“Here I am sick again”
Sparks fly off your body as you prepare for yet another battle of wills, desires, frustrations and “it's all your faults”
Source says to us,
“We understand this need to feel alive yet there is another way. You must invite and invoke peace even if that means you remove yourself from all situations and people.”
Your guides know that removing yourself from all situations and all people is difficult and can plunge you into feelings of isolation and loneliness.
In my very late 20’s I spent several months living alone in an apartment. Every day I got up, went to work, went to the gym or a yoga class and then back to that apartment by myself.
I didn't talk to or see anybody for months and months and months and months. I truly removed myself from all people, in all situations, because there was chaos in so many aspects of my life.
Even certain aspects of my work life had strong energy and vibrations of chaos. I ended up changing jobs at the end of that year in order to remove myself from it in order to find the peace our guides tell is there for us.
It was lonely yet immensely healing and provided the time for a major shift.
It takes time for chaos to settle out of the physical body.
You’re capable of allowing this type of healing into your life. If you have a deep, soul desire for it to happen it will be so.
While you wait for chaos to leave you, ask yourself,
“Who am I without this noise, this drama, this same old s*** that is no longer truly chaos because I know it will happen, what makes me feel alive?”
“Who am I without the drama and the crap and the predictable unpredictable that I keep bringing up into my life?”
“Who am I without all of that?”
Don't be scared or give up if the answer is “I don't know”. When you're really caught up in chaos you truly don't know that answer yet and it's okay.
Our Guides say,
“We promise you this the answer does reside within your heart and it is quieter than the noise. You must get quiet and still to hear that answer.
Where can you go and what can you do to get still and quiet?
How do you get quiet and still so that you can start to hear those answers that reside within your heart?
Your peace is the pathway to your joy. Surrender to this truth and you will arrive at the core of your being, your heart and your soul, which is Us, the Divine light in expression.
Be a brave warrior for your own peace no one else's. For that you cannot control.
Be a brave warrior for your own peace and no one else's.
This is part of the healing process from chaos addiction. You must become a warrior for your own peace and no one else's because that you cannot control, nor do you have any responsibility over.
That's where sometimes you have to separate yourself out from everyone and everything for a while. Because it's not your responsibility. Others will learn and feel from your example. Some will draw closer and others will drift away. Allow, allow, allow, allow.
Stay curious to the effects of your peace. They are guiding you home to your heart and soul and a life that lights from the inside. Glowing, eternal, vast joy.
This message is complete. We love you.”
Soooo good! I want to put that message on repeat and just read it and say it over and over and over and over and over and over.
The heart of the matter is that the only antidote to chaos addiction is peace.
The only way to overcome chaos addiction is to get quiet and still so that you can start to hear the answer to the question, “Who am I” which is so much quieter than the noise of chaos.
It takes a lot of courage and a lot of patience. Especially when you ask the question of yourself and the answer is “I don't know who I am”.
I have so much compassion for you if that’s the case because I went through a deliciously long phase in my own life where I did not know the answer to that question either.
The answer does reside within you. Peace is available to you now.
You have free will and can choose at any time to overcome chaos addition and move toward a heart and soul-centered life.
Are you ready to make that choice?