Unlock your Potential: Harness Spiritual Energy to Overcome Analysis Paralysis
Life is a fascinating journey with twists and turns that often lead us to unexpected destinations. If you’d asked me 10 years ago if I’d be helping women harness the power of the Universe to lose weight, make more money, and get rid of nagging anxiety I’d have said, “Heck, no!”,
Back then, I was overwhelmed running a brick-and-mortar business, drowning in constant anxiety, and fearful of a bleak financial future. It all left me feeling pretty stuck and spinning in analysis paralysis about what to do.
If you’re feeling stuck and uncertain about where you are in life, you are not alone. Many women have had dreams and expectations that haven't yet materialized. Don’t worry — there’s good news!
It's never too late to make a change and harness the power of the Universe to propel you forward. Here’s how.
Use the Force
The Universe is an infinite source of energy, filled with boundless possibilities. When we quote some version of this famous Star Wars line, we’re reminding ourselves to tap into that power.
If you’re not familiar with the original movie, when this line appears, the main character Luke Skywalker gets really calm and still. He centers himself, slows down, and checks in with his feelings.
Feelings and emotions are guideposts in using the Force, or the spiritual power of the universe. More and more, science is backing and confirming this energetic truth is real.
When we align ourselves with its quiet, still rhythm and open our hearts and minds to its guidance, remarkable things can happen. By understanding that you are an integral part of this vast cosmic web, you can tap into its power to manifest your dreams and overcome the stagnation of analysis paralysis.
My Personal Journey
When I hit the absolute lowest moment, I had my first panic attack, which landed me at urgent care. Stressed out, trying to expand my business at a breakneck pace, I didn’t allow myself the time, energy, or patience to listen to what my heart and the universe was calling for.
I was bouncing around, trying to people please, solve problems by overthinking, forcing results and missing the mark - repeatedly. Doing what I thought was expected of me was like being dragged along behind a wild pack of horses just trying to keep up.
On the outside, I was super busy and smiling through it all.
But, if I’m being honest, all of that was just a mask.
Because on the inside I was living in constant fear - even teaching yoga classes while panic, anxiety, and migraines rolled through my body.
My inner GPS, my guidance system designed to listen to and use the Force, was screaming at me to pay attention, but I refused to give it the magical space it needed to be heard and followed.
I knew something had to change.
Soon after that day at urgent care, I simply declared,
“Either make a change and start doing what you know in your gut and heart needs to be done or things are going to become a real s*** show .”
It was a moment of total truth-telling. Vulnerable to be sure, but also powerful. The greatest act of faith and self-trust.
I had to choose to slow down, for even just a few minutes each day, and really take care of myself. It was time to stop quoting this beloved movie line and actually start using the Force combined with daily action.
In that quiet, introspective place, I was able to begin to feel into my body and get the signals it was sending via feelings and emotions. It took some practice and getting used to, but I was finally able to connect to Source energy and the spiritual side of myself that was trying so loudly to communicate with me.
And then develop the courage and self-confidence to align with my guidance and ACT!
The biggest realization: the Universe doesn’t have to slap us up upside the head in such a dramatic way.
If you’re at that choice point and want to avoid big challenges that can derail you --Don’t. Stay. Stuck. Do this instead —
Practical Actions to Overcome Analysis Paralysis
✨ Cultivate Mindfulness: Start by grounding yourself in the present moment using the 5,4,3,2,1 method. Say out loud 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can feel, 2 things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.
✨ Embrace Intuition: Intuition is the Universe's way of guiding you towards your true path. We all have this gift, but most of us are taught to move from the power of our head-brain, while intuition resides in our heart or gut. Practice daily stillness with meditation or quiet journaling to help settle your thinking mind so you can listen to the whispers of your intuition.
✨ Take Inspired Action: Break free from analysis paralysis by blending the spiritual, intuitive guidance of the Force and your heart by taking small, actionable steps towards those heart whispers. Remember, progress is progress, no matter how small. Trust that the Universe will support you along the way, and be open to unexpected opportunities, synchronicities, and surprise and delights. It all counts!
✨ Embrace Growth and Expansion: Your soul ultimately came to earth for three reasons, growth, expansion and joy. See each setback or bobble as the result of you trying and practicing to use the Force. Plus, rather than calling those challenges a failure, know they contribute to the growth and learning of your soul, which brings freedom and inner peace.
Reach Out
You possess the power to break free from analysis paralysis and manifest the life you deserve. Reach out with your feelings to harness the spiritual energy that permeates our existence. Trust and follow the guidance coming to you and you can move through analysis paralysis into action. Embrace your connection with the Universe, trust your intuition, and take inspired action.
If you’re new to using your intuition and spiritual energy and are ready to learn how so you can take inspired action, reach out and connect with me. I’m a Jedi Master at this stuff and I can show you the way.
If you’re a life-long learner and want to know more about HOW and WHY spiritual energy works, get started with this free Energy is Everything Masterclass. In just 25-minutes you can start to unlock the beauty of who you really are - an energetic being able to use the Force to move beyond analysis paralysis.