How Becoming a Joy Jedi Can Help You Own Your Power
Can we normalize something? The battle of good vs. evil, light vs. dark, and truth vs. shadow lies within each of us. No one is immune.
As women living in this modern age, our dark side can show up with things like:
anxiety and fear
dishonesty and negative self-talk
shame, blame or guilt
hating or disliking our physical bodies
people pleasing and wearing masks that prevent our true self from being seen
So how do we live a powerful, joy-filled life, even amidst the dark side?
ANSWER: We each decide to become a Joy Jedi!
A Joy Jedi is a warrior for the light.
She knows a deep truth lies within her and is worth showing up for herself…
Over and over again.
Many of the women who work with me come to release the power of these normal, “dark-side” emotions so that they can stand in the power of their inner light. The dark-sided thoughts, that often no one can hear, sound like:
I’m a …
stupid idiot
I’m so…
I’m not…
good enough
doing enough
Because when we sit and stew in these emotions, our outward lives become a reflection of them.
…Uncomfortable weight gain
…Rising credit card debt
…Crushing anxiety that makes it hard to even get out of bed some days
Can you relate?
What you may not realize is that I’ve experienced all of these dark-sided emotions and more – including me lying awake at night imagining deliberately crashing my car just to feel loved.
The dark side doesn’t have to show up in such dramatic ways to have power in our lives. It can also be a quiet feeling of ‘meh’, tired thoughts, a sense of not being where you thought you’d be at this point in your life, or being worried about what other people think.
Trust me, I’ve been there. You’re not alone.
There is good news though!
You possess within you a powerful, creative life-force.
When you tap in and connect to it, then use it in mindful, aligned ways, magic happens!
I call this using the Force and in order to use it, a Joy Jedi knows she has to be:
calm and relaxed
willing to trust, honor, and listen to her feelings
take real-life action
As a Joy Jedi, I’ve filled my treasure chest with proven processes that buoy me on my “dark-side” days and elevate me even higher when I’m feeling at one with the Force.
I’ve become a freaking Joy Jedi Master! That’s why I’m excited to share the evolution of the previously-named Joy Academy to…
The Joy Jedi Academy coming in 2024.
(Join the waitlist to learn all the details)
Imagine shifting your thoughts and feelings to say things like these Joy Jedi women:
I feel…
seen as the real me
I’m finally…
following my heart
I live in a…
magical state
Isn’t this the highest definition of success?
If you’re curious about how this high-vibe Joy Jedi Academy filled with energy education and Joy Tools can help you to tap into the power of your own Joy Jedi, click “join the waitlist” below. You’ll be one of the first to get all the details.
P.S. In the Academy, I’ll teach you how to use the Force daily to navigate any challenges and call forth magic and miracles! Stay tuned for more details.