3 Signs You or Someone you know is a Highly Sensitive Person
Getting ready to go teach an evening yoga-meets-pole fitness class at Yoga Flirt, anxiety suddenly kicked in. An ordinary weekday and too soon to leave, curiosity swept in.
Is this me, am I worried about something? Nope. It was a normal day with nothing particularly good, bad or indifferent going on. Yet urgency and anxiety continued to rise around going to the studio.
The impulse to leave earlier than necessary flooded my body. When I got there, I saw what had spiked my anxiety: a car accident just outside the studio door.
That intuitive feeling and knowing is energetic high sensitivity and is one of three ways people can be highly sensitive.
Here’s what you need to know about highly sensitive people (HSP) and how you can support them.
Only about 20% of the population is highly sensitive. The first research and information on this genetic trait appeared in 1996. HSP’s are born, not made and plenty of people grew up in a time when there wasn’t any information available to help them understand themselves or others.
You most likely know at least one HSP, though they may not be in your inner circle. It might be one or two out there in your loose ties. Or, perhaps after reading this you’ll recognize yourself.
Physical Sensitivity
HSP have anywhere from one to all 5 of their physical senses turned up high.
When they’re telling you they can hear the imperceptible click of the ceiling fan or the hum of a party 3 blocks away, or are prone to headaches from bright lights in the grocery store, even if you’re like “how is that possible”, it’s true.
The feeling of clothing tags or seams against their body can drive them nuts. The seam on socks pressing against my little toe is enough to stop me in my tracks. They aren’t being weird or high maintenance, they’re feeling uncomfortable.
Whether it’s a sound, a taste, a scent in the air, a feeling on their skin, or the brightness of light, HSP get over-stimulated quickly. Your trust is and belief is invaluable. Especially if they’re the only person mentioning something.
Whenever possible, acknowledge their experience even and especially if they’re alone in it. Ask if there’s anything you can do to help them be more comfortable. The person who cuts a tag off my shirt is always my hero. Sunglasses in Food for Less? Total life saver.
Emotional Sensitivity
HSP feel emotions, both their own and for other people, more intensely. Which means they may cry frequently or more often. They can also be incredibly generous and compassionate as they feel other people’s needs deeply.
Please don’t tell them, “You’re so sensitive” or “You’re too sensitive”. They know. And criticism can be quite painful for them, to the point of physical pain.
Instead, offer support if they’d like it or simply lend a compassionate ear or hug. Being able to move the emotions out of their body helps them reset quickly.
HSP can also have sudden shifts into irritability, which is often an indicator that one or more of their five senses is getting blasted out. They may need to leave an event early or step outside for some air. Or be a silent participant, glad to be connected and involved in a gentle way.
When a sudden mood shift happens, be a detective to see if something from physical sensitivity is causing discomfort. If so, you can follow the tip of acknowledging and offing support.
But if you or your highly sensitive friend isn’t experiencing physical or emotional sensitivity, and they still seem off, agitated or anxious, they’re most likely in energetic sensitivity.
Energetic Sensitivity
All humans have an electromagnetic field that extends away from their physical body, often referred to as your energy or aura. The subconscious mind detects that energy and helps us respond to our environment appropriately. The average person detects energy when other people are around 5 feet away or closer.
HSP can either feel that energy more intensely, in a more refined way, or over broader distances. And sometimes all three.
This type of sensitivity makes them intuitive and why they were highly valuable to our ancestors. HSP could detect and alert potential danger sooner and with greater accuracy than their average counterparts.
This can be another cause for sudden, unexpected anxiety or just a general knowing that something feels wrong or off. If a highly sensitive person tells you it’s time to go, something feels wrong, or that they’re uncomfortable – trust them.
The reverse is true. They may want to say, to linger, to say “this place or person has good vibes”. Trust them. This type of sensitivity is a super power that always has your back and why having an HSP in your life is a blessing.
How do you support your HSP?
Believe them. It’s already frustrating at times for them to the point where they often feel different from everyone else and alone. Disbelief only exacerbates that feeling. It’s reassuring to know that even if others aren’t feeling what they are, their experience is still true and valid.
Help them out. Your patience and support go a long way with your HSP. Cut the tags off their clothes, turn down the volume, bring ear plugs to an especially loud concert or movie. These gestures let your HSP know it’s ok and completely normal for them to be who they are and that you love them.
Let them retreat. High sensitivity can be exhausting. Sometimes, your HSP is going to be fried, most likely far sooner than average people. Making space for them to retreat and rest is a gift. A day of quiet, stillness, and dim lighting can help their nervous system reset and recharge.
Bonus! If your HSP is someone close to you, gift things like a massage or spa day, meditation course, or peaceful yoga retreat.
Being HSP is a gift and can be overwhelming. If you are HSP, learning to manage your energy and heal past hurts, especially if, like me, you grew up in a time when this trait wasn’t understood, will help you thrive.
As an HSP and naturally gifted intuitive, I understand you and can help guide you toward greater self-awareness, self-confidence, and how to thrive peacefully with your rare and special gift. Get started with a free, personalized clairvoyant message or my free Energy is Everything masterclass.
You are valuable, worthy, and loved exactly as you are.