5 Ways to Recognize your Soul tribe

When I was in 6th grade, which was elementary school back in the day, there was a kid named Tom Kelly.

Some of the other kids stated calling him TKO.

At first, I didn’t know what that meant and joined in. Eventually it came out they meant Tom Kelly Order – could knock you out. He smelled fine to me, but he was new to our school and, therefore, not a part of our tribe.

When I was in 4th or 5th grade some boys constantly called me King of the Munchkins.

I was and still am really petite, my head barely coming up to most people’s shoulder.

Both our hearts ached from the verbal bullying. I know because one day our whole class had to miss recess while Tom stood up to tell us how much the name calling hurt and that he wanted us to stop.

I learned that day. 

Human hearts are all the same. We all feel.

And children make fun of what they don’t understand, what’s different from them as they make sense of the world, and their lizard brain tries to make them feel safe or protected. The name-calling is a form of protecting the tribe.

There will always be nay-sayers because adults have that lizard-brain-protect-the-tribe thing, too.

The people who push against your life in all kinds of ways from your hair, clothes, the food you choose to eat and the lover you take to your bed - aren’t your soul tribe.

5 Ways to Recognize Your Soul Tribe

Your soul tribe are the people who support and encourage you to be your full, authentic self.

You get to be real with each other. Some are a part of your inner circle, and some aren’t. It’s less about quantity of time together and more about easy, heart-felt quality. It has nothing to do with familial relationships or bloodline, though family might be part of your soul tribe.

Your soul tribe are the people you feel connected to who help you grow as a person.

Which means they might challenge you, in a good way, to get really honest within your heart so you rise up to be the best, fullest version of yourself. They know you can do hard things and support you fully when you do. They also won’t abandon you when you’re stuck, spinning, or lost. They ask if you want help getting back on track and are there for you when you need them.

Your soul tribe scream YES as you explore the world and make new discoveries about what lights you up.

They’re proud of you when you succeed and there for you when you fail. They don’t require you to shrink back or hide any part of yourself - including the less than pretty bits and moments.

Your soul tribe allows you to give and receive love easily and fully.

And they don’t keep score. There’s a natural give and take as you witness each other’s life journey. They non-judgmentally give you space when you need it and are available during hard times not to fix things but to be by your side so that you feel cared for and supported.

Your soul tribe feels like a team, they’re the people who get you, that you can trust, and you feel a sense of belonging with.

They play with you, celebrate you, cry with you, and sits by your side when it’s time to rest.

Your soul tribe will ebb and flow over time. If you’re wondering who they are, use these 4 questions to help you find them.

4 Supportive Journal Questions

  1. Who are the people in my life right now that fit this description? Why? What do they do that shows me they’re my soul tribe?

  2. Are there any people in my life right now who don’t fit this description? Why? What do they do that shows me they aren’t my soul tribe?

  3. Which relationships do you want? Why?

  4. What do you need to do, be, or have to attract, connect, flourish and nourish your soul tribe of relationships?

Let your soul tribe know who they are and how much you love them by sharing this with them!



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