[Before & After] Meet Adrianna
From Blending in to Being Seen
Negative Self Talk Can Be a Thing of the Past
Meet Adrianna. Today she’s clear on a powerful truth: To love herself no matter what because “none of us can hate ourselves into the results we want.”
But before stepping into the Joy Jedi Academy, Adrianna was in a ton of emotional pain and unsure of herself. She felt deeply planted underground and couldn’t see a way forward.
Living in a friend's home as the friendship was fading, she spent her days trying to be as small as possible and wanting to escape everything.
“I was living with people who didn’t want me there and I could feel that.
I just wanted to get a trailer, get away and go.
I felt like I shouldn’t be seen. I was trying to not be intrusive, to blend in and not cause friction. I was so uncomfortable.”
Joining Joy Jedi gave Adrianna the movement she wanted to find in her life. She allowed time for the magic to happen and a big piece of her puzzle dropped into place - a new-found sense of self.
The self-awareness she gained from the Academy was priceless!
In learning more about her energy and the law of attraction, she discovered the power of boundaries, making sure that whoever she chooses to spend time with is aligned with her and the way she shows up in life.
By the end of Joy Jedi, Adrianna was able to celebrate herself as she got more comfortable with her authenticity.
She’s now able to notice when resistance comes up and gets curious about why. Which helps her communicate better and not take everything so personally.
“All of my relationships are more balanced. I’m less controlling over everything and have better awareness of my own thoughts, feelings, actions and the results I manifest.
One of my favorite wins? My relationship with my stepdaughter is smoother! She now understands I’m here to help and support her.”
Adrianna continues to reap massive benefits of being a Joy Jedi. Fast forward from late 2021 to early 2024 and her relationship with herself has massively changed.
She’s shifted out of negative self talk and is now curious and interested in herself.
She puts herself out there more, showing up to networking events, and inserting herself into conversations. One of her biggest shifts has been the ability to speak up. She’s able to ask for help and receive what she needs from other people instead of feeling like she has to know and do it all on her own.
Adrianna is able to be seen as her true, powerful self!
She says,
“I get to choose how I live my life and not be a part of anyone else’s stories.”
And because of that,
“My showing up in my own business has evolved. I’ve learned to ask my clients what their outcome is instead of forcing mine. I celebrate wins everyday and because of that I continue to manifest my goals.”
Adrianna would love for you to know this -
“Cathy is kind but firm. She calls you forward into your life. She’s rooting for you and makes showing up for yourself 100% worth it.”
If you’re ready to shift away from negative self talk so you can be seen as your powerful, authentic self explore how the Joy Jedi Academy can support you.
Cathy Weiss is a naturally-gifted Intuitive, Clairvoyant and Energy Healer. She’s guided smart, soulful women around the globe to shift out of overwhelm, embody more calm, and step into massive clarity and success. Get a taste of her magic with this Free 5-Minute Energy Healing - no email address needed!