Collective & Individual fear comes down to THIS
Channeled message from January 18, 2018. This message was originally broadcast live on Facebook at 6:30 am , still in my pajamas, glasses, bedhead, the whole thing. There was an urgency and timing along with the power of what needed to be conveyed.
While this was first delivered in video format, I’m hearing now that many of you would prefer to read the message so that you have time to really consider the words and let them sink in. The energy I’m talking about lingers and the messages are relevant and needed.
And if you’re someone who prefers to watch or listen, you can click here for the original broadcast.
The message is mostly transcribed with a bit cleaned up for clarity but it anything is weird or unclear, be sure to use the comments and let me know.
“Backstory for those of you who are meeting me for the first time. I am a highly sensitive intuitive. I read and interpret energy and deliver the messages that you need to hear most right now . When I meditate I sometimes pick up messages or information from source energy or spirit.
For many years I have just typed it out on the computer, a lot of times right after meditation. I’ll type out these messages and they come out super weird and like not at all in my language but when I talk about them I can clarify and use language in a way that like makes more sense.
This message was dripped in over a few weeks.
I've been hearing this little piece is that there is a collective fear, it’s massive and lingering.
Everybody's feeling it.
Right now you might be thinking, “No Cathy, I am not feeling any fear” and want to bail on this message.
Stick with me, though, because what I'm hearing is that you are feeling fear but expressing in a way that you don't recognize as fear.
The collective fear is being expressed on an individual level in different ways but the main feeling that I get on the individual level is choking or drowning.
Especially choking.
I see this metal collar choker chain around the throat with a padlock in front. Choking is associated with the fifth chakra. With the drowning I see this really dark green water filling people's lungs and lungs are more associated with the fourth chakra.
Whether you're choking or drowning the energy wants to rise and come out of you. You've got it locked down, we all have it locked down, and we're pushing it down and down. That creates pressure rising where the energy wants to come out and it's not.
Because of where the block is, at the throat for fifth chakra and heart and lungs for fourth, we're seeing an increase in illness like thyroid disease, COPD, a lot of digestive disorders, and infertility. These arise because we're choking on our truth.
This is important:
The reason why we're all holding all of that in is something that I've been hearing repeatedly.
We have a fear of judgment.
I've had so many people say to me lately I don't want to blah, blah, blah because I'm afraid people are going to judge me.
Yep. They are.
That's the world we're living in right now. People are going to judge you.
But here's the thing, there are also people who are going to love, uplift, hold you, cherish you, celebrate you, encourage you, and be inspired by you.
Preventing yourself from being judged is preventing yourself from all of that other stuff. The loving, uplifting, and celebrating. The number of people that are gonna judge you is so much lower than the number of people that are going to uplift and elevate and support and cheer and be inspired by you.
You hold the key to that padlock and you can unlock it.
Here’s an example, I know so many people, both male and female, who are amazing singers that it’s crazy! I'm always a little bit envious because I love to sing and I'm horrible at it. I sing around the house all the time because I like it and I make up stupid songs. Before zoom came into my life I’d sing my I love you Skype song because my skype tended to freeze my computer. Whenever I’d sing the I love you Skype song it wouldn’t crash.
So I know these people who have these incredible singing talents and they don't sing on a daily basis. They don't even sing around the house or whatever. They tell me, “I'm afraid people are gonna judge me” and therefore don't allow themselves the freedom to sing.
The thing is, we all came with a gift. Whether your gift is the incredible ability to sing or your gift is to needlepoint cats eating cheeseburgers, which by the way I think would be hilarious and awesome so please needlepoint a cat eating a cheeseburger. You could sell that all day long on Etsy.
The singers that I know who don't give themselves the freedom to express their talents and gifts are experiencing physical disease like thyroid and chronic pain and digestive disorders.
Because when you've got yourself locked down and the energy can't get out it fester's in there.
It's time to for all of us to recognize that we need to allow ourselves to accept the fear or accept the weird stuff that is going on in our lives.
Start to speak your truth so that the people who want to support and help and inspire you can. That's the only way healing and forward momentum is going to happen.
It doesn't have to look like getting up at 6 o'clock in the morning and doing a live video in your pajamas. It doesn't have to look like singing in front of a live audience, it doesn't have to look like any of that.
The other piece that I need to tell you today is don't confuse popularity with quality.
For some the fear is that the thing you're being called towards whether it's career or hobby even or just curiosity, something that you just kind of want to poke around and learn a little bit more about, it's not the most popular thing on the planet. Like needle pointing cats eating cheeseburgers.
Social media has created an illusion that something is only of quality if it is very popular, if it has a high number of views or shares or likes or whatever. That is valid but not necessarily the case.
Here’s an example, I’m pursuing publishing a book there are so many articles and pieces of information that says if you have hundreds of thousands to millions of followers you can have a book published whether it's a good book or not because the publishers know you have people to sell your book to. They will publish books that are basically a bunch of not good not good stuff simply because they can sell it.
Don't confuse that popularity with high quality. If you're interested in something that seems a little weird or seems a little bit like “people are gonna judge me” “people are gonna look down at me” “people are gonna have opinions about this”, you have to give yourself permission to move beyond that.
Even something like, “I don't want people to know that my son is dating a man” or “I don't want people to know my son is dating a woman of a different race” becomes a fear of judgment that isn’t even about YOU.
Like, I don’t want people to judge me because my boyfriend likes to wear the t-shirts that come in a 3-pack from Costco. When we hold back from living fully and expressing the joy of our truth because of that fear of judgment, again what we're missing out on is all the people who would celebrate, like “You know what? I could give a crap if your boyfriend wears t-shirts from Costco and I could give a you know what if your son is dating a woman of a different race” or whatever. Because I’m thrilled for other people’s joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment.
Even if the fear I'm talking about judgment is not necessarily directly related to you it's time to start to move beyond that.
Going all the way back to that collective fear that is being expressed individually, it’s time to really, really recognize that the people that are gonna judge you are far fewer then the people are going to elevate you.
The last piece of information:
If someone does judge you publicly on a platform like your social media feeds or whatever you have a choice of how you deal with that negativity and that harshness. You can delete them, you can ban them from being on your page, and you can also engage them in a way that is polite kind in elevating. Such as saying that is your opinion and you are welcome to it however this is my page and my site and my forum and on my page and my site in my forum we treat each other with kindness and respect. You're welcome to your criticisms however please provide them with some constructive feedback of how I could potentially improve. If you can't do that in a positive kind and uplifting manner then I would kindly ask you to no longer participate on my page.
That's a really great and easy way to deal with judgment.
For other lightworkers, people whose purpose it is to bring healing and light to the world, I want you to know that I'm a safe place that you can talk to about things like channeling messages like I just did. Or if you need a safe place to talk about your fears and your fear of judgement.
I got none of them y'all. Nothing really fazes me and I am so not gonna judge you. I would invite you to reach out and start to have a conversation if you feel like there's absolutely no one that you can share those longings or curiosities or whatever it is that you're locking down inside. You can totally reach out to me, even if I don't know you, let's do it together.
Because you can unlock yourself. You can unlock that fear. You absolutely one hundred percent can.
I know you can because I've done it. I used to live in fear anxiety and panic. Now I say, “think channeling and clairvoyance is weird, fake, or I’m a fraud? Ok, whatever. There’s way more people who need these messages for me to let your judgments stop me.”
You can elevate your vibration. You can elevate your vitality. You can live a joyful, better, satisfying life and I so believe in you.
Ultimately, when you live your vitality, when you live in an elevated state of vibration, you elevate the people around you. You elevate our planet and you elevate the universe and that is so powerful I'm gonna start crying.
That is so powerful. You guys can do it and I believe in you. The time to start is now.
Oh my gosh I love you guys so much.
The last thing is that I heard when I delivered this message there are more people than just who are on my Facebook or who read this on my blog that need to hear pieces of this message. If there was anything in there that resonated with you would you please share it on your feed or forward to a friend.
Because there are more people that we can touch than just me alone and the time for each of us to help elevate and heal the world, and therefore the entire Universe, is now.