4 Easy Ways to Shift out of the Blues
Energy head's up! A few weeks of festivities, celebration, tasty treats, and maybe some high quality jammie time, Post-Holiday Blues are about to hit.
It’s that meh feeling of being sluggish or overly tired, dragging unfocused through your days and struggling to establish or re-establish new, supportive habit.
Good news! There are things you can do to beat PHB (or anytime the blues kick in after soul-satisfying experiences), which raise your vibe so you can thrive in the New Year.
Here are my top 4 favorite ways:
1. Photo dump.
Download all the pics you took, transfer your phone pics to your computer, and back everything up. Take time to pause on some of your favorites and re-live the moments. Choose a few to print and frame to help you remember this year’s celebrations.
2. Connect with friends and family.
Reminiscing, or retelling stories, helps keep memories alive and prevents feelings of loneliness and depression. Tell your tribe about your holidays, share your pics, and listen to their stories. Whether it’s on the phone, over a meal, or during a walk or hike, spending time sharing stories is a definite mood booster.
3. Get back to your normal routine as quickly as possible.
While it may seem hard to do, your body and mind thrive with nutritious food, regular exercise, and a steady, predictable schedule. Bonus! Queue up your favorite music to listen to during workouts or as you prepare meals.
4. Start planning your next vacation, gathering, or event.
It’s true! Research shows vacation anticipation creates excitement and happiness equal to, if not higher than, the vacation itself during the weeks and months leading up to travel. And talking about future travel with friends and family not only strengthens your connection with them, it also increases the likelihood of your next trip being happening.
And if Disneyland, Disney World, or Aulani in Hawaii are on your travel list this year, I offer free Disney vacation planning and booking services so you can focus on the fun.
It’s normal and natural for the blues to happen from time to time, using one or all four of these easy energy shifters will soothe your soul and elevate your mood. Keep this post bookmarked and come back to it any time you need a boost.
Sending love and good vibes for a vibrant start to 2022!