How to Use the Law of Attraction: Simple, Easy, Understandable

Take Control of Your Life and Create the Reality You Want

Australia?’re so lucky!

A friend wrote that comment on a post I shared about my month-long travels and adventures in the land of Oz.

My response: Yep.

But really, it goes much further than

1.     Yes, Australia and

2.     Yes, I am so lucky.

It has everything to do with the law of attraction and the aligned actions my husband and I take to have the time and resources to manifest our dreams and desires.

The law of attraction has been around in different books and writing for easily 100 years, but has gained a lot of attention in recently, especially in the area of abundance and prosperity.

It’s the belief that what you focus on or put out into the Universe will come back to you. Simply put, you attract what you think about the most and how you feel about it. That’s called manifestation.

Here’s what you need to know about how the law of attraction works and three simple, practical tips for using it to attract abundance and prosperity.


How Does the Law of Attraction Work?


The law of attraction is based on the idea that the Universe is made up of energy, and we’re all part of that energy. When broken down to its smallest particles, there’s nothing there except vibration, or energy waves like light and sound waves. Mind-blowing to be sure!

When we focus on positive thoughts and, more importantly, feelings, we send positive energy and vibrations into the Universe and the world around us. Like a magnet, that positive energy attracts similar energy, and we manifest our desires, greater ease, and more things that feel good into our lives.

On the other hand, if we focus on negative thoughts and feelings, we attract negative energy and manifest more negativity, challenge, and difficulty into our lives. It happens at both the conscious and subconscious level of our minds, which is why focusing on how you feel becomes more important than specific thoughts.

The law of attraction isn’t just about positive thinking and feeling; it's about taking action towards your desires while maintaining a mindset that feels good.

Real-life action includes visualizing what you want, feeling the excited, positive emotions  about having your desires met, and taking inspired action towards achieving them. When we take inspired action, we align ourselves with the Universe's energy, making it easier for us to manifest our desires.

Taking action is like saying, “Hey, Universe – I mean it. I’m doing my part, now you do yours.” That’s where magic and synchronicity come from.

Let’s say you’ve always wanted to take a dream vacation to Bali. Your first inspired action might be to apply for or renew your passport. Simple. Easy. And a clear message that says, “I’m doing this.”


Three Practical Tips for Using the Law of Attraction to Attract Abundance and Prosperity

Be Clear on What You Want

To use the law of attraction to attract abundance and prosperity, you need to be clear and specific about what you want because clarity magnetizes.

This involves creating specific, measurable, relevant, and time-bound goals or desires you want to manifest.

Write down the things you really want and make them as detailed as possible.

For example, don't just say, "I want more money" or “I want to travel.” Instead, be specific about how much money you want and what you’ll do with it. Or write down where you want to travel, who you’ll go with, what you’ll do on your adventures, how long you want your trip to be and when you want to go.

By being clear you give the Universe an exact message what you want to attract.

Vague desires bring vague results. Specific desires bring specific results. Often in unexpected and better ways than we ever imagined.


Focus on Positive Thoughts and Feelings

The law of attraction is all about attracting positive energy and manifestations that feel good into your life.

Therefore, it's essential to choose to focus on positive thoughts and feelings to attract the abundance and prosperity that will make you feel good.

One way to do that is to practice gratitude. Take time every day to appreciate what you already have or are experiencing that feels good. Anything from a gorgeous sunrise to an unexpected loving text message to your favorite tea mug can be appreciated right alongside the bigger things like health, home, and family.

That doesn’t mean you can’t want or have more or new experiences in your life. By focusing on the positive things, you attract more positive energy into your life.

You can also use affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind with positive thoughts and beliefs. Repeat affirmations like "I am worthy of abundance" or "I am open to receiving prosperity" to both send out and attract positive energy.


Take Inspired Action

The law of attraction isn’t just about positive thinking; it's also about taking inspired action towards your goals.

Inspired action comes from little sparks of thoughts or feelings within you saying things like, “I should do this, go here, talk to so-and-so.” Sometimes inspired action may not seem to be relevant to your desired manifestation or goal, but it’s always leading you there.

When you take inspired action, you align yourself with the Universe's energy, making it easier for you to manifest your desires. It means taking steps towards your goals every day, even if they’re not perfect or are super teeny tiny. By taking action, you say to the Universe “We’re a team” and that you’re serious about your desires.

The law of attraction responds to all of this to create manifestations for you to receive and enjoy.


Keep Practicing

The law of attraction can be a powerful tool for attracting abundance and prosperity into your life. It can take some practice, but as you get better and better at focusing on positive thoughts and feelings, being clear about what you want, and taking inspired action towards your goals, you can manifest your desires into reality.

Give yourself permission to have fun with it. Not only does it result in more abundance and prosperity, it often lead you to feeling more like your authentic, true self, too. The perfect reasons to use law of attraction in your daily life.

If you’re a life-long learner and want to know more about HOW and WHY energy works, get started with this free Energy is Everything Masterclass. In just 25-minutes you can start to unlock the beauty of who you really are - an energetic being able to attract the abundance and prosperity you want.

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